Thursday, July 2, 2009

Good Times, Bad Times

We Americans hold certain truths to be self-evident, that among these is this: When times are tough, we drink more. A new Gallup poll released this week shows otherwise.

The poll found that 64% of Americans regularly consume alcoholic beverages, a figure that has remained fairly steady for the last decade. Moreover, the number who consume eight or more drinks per week is at 14%, also unchanged in the last 10 years.

Also, the poll found virtually no change in our drinking habits in the past year when the recession deepened.

So, the self-evident truth here is that in good times and bad, we continue drinking--not more, not less. Besides, while it may be easy to tell the really bad times, the good times are most often only viewable through the rose-colored rear view mirror. I, for one, don't drink to forget the bad times or celebrate the good times (well, okay, yes, I do and with Champagne to boot--both for good and bad times).

I drink wine because I like the incredible array of flavors, the way it enhances the food I'm eating, the conviviality, the frivolity, the fun, and the relaxation. And, occasionally, with a great wine, the WOW factor. And, more often, with just a good wine, the YUM factor.

I can't remember ever opening a bottle of wine because the economic times were unsettled (they always are), the international situation was in crisis (it always is), or because life was uncertain, unfair, or unfathomable (yes, it is). For me, and many of you I hope, drinking wine is divorced from current events. It's the wine, not the economy.

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